Head inside the old, abandoned Casino where the last mission takes place, at the north end of Alderney. You will find a big, red, beating heart held in place by chains. Enter the door and climb the ladder inside the statue. Jump out of the helicopter at the top of the statue’s base so you’ll land by it’s feet.

Get a helicopter and fly to Happiness Island. It has a picture of the statue and the text Happiness is… on the front and the text …land on the back. Run up to the base of the statue to find a shirt on the ground. Black jacket, green pants and black/white shoes. If you change clothes in that safehouse you can choose to wear the outfit Claude (the main character in GTA III) was wearing. If you choose the kill Playboy X you will take over his safehouse. NOW READ: TODAY'S COIN MASTER FREE SPINS HAVE ARRIVED - FIND OUT WHAT THEY ARE HERE! If you get into the ambulance you will get a small health boost and if you get into the police car you will get 5 shotgun shells. Make your selection and wait for them to arrive so you can steal the vehicle. If you call 911 on your phone you can select if you need an ambulance, police car or a fire truck. If you go to an Internet café and enters the URL you will get to a page with maps of all weapon pickups, health, armor, vehicle locations, unique jumps and pigeon locations. * Find all Random Characters and complete their missions (except for Jeff, Cherise, Clarence & Ivan). * Beat the computer or an online friend in all activities. * Unlock all five friend’s special abilities and complete the activities with Little Jacob, Brucie and Packie. * Collect all 10 cars for the Exotic Exports mission. * Complete all 10 Assassination missions. To get 100% you have to complete the following: (Blocks the One Man Army & Walk Free achievements) (Blocks the One Man Army & Mean Streets achievements)Ĭall FLY-555-0100 (35) on your phone. (Blocks the Cleaned the Mean Streets, Finish Him, One Man Army & Walk Free achievements)Ĭall COP-555-0100 (26) on your phone.